Our Services

PI supports institutions, companies, governments, multi-lateral organizations and cross-sector groups to strengthen their capacities for leading system transformation, and achieving greater impact in their work. Learn more about our work.


For Governments & Public Institutions

How will governments and institutions meet the increasingly complex challenges of governance while remaining relevant and accountable to the people they are meant to serve?

Leadership Capacities

PI works with national and sub-national/regional governments, and with multilateral organizations to build the capabilities in their leadership teams for:

  • Understanding complexity and identifying leverage points for change
  • Building and leading collaborative teams
  • Activating cross-sector capabilities for innovation and action

PI supports organizations to tackle complex problems in new ways with methods specifically designed to generate new insights and turn them into action.

We have worked with a range of governments, including the governments of Cambodia, China, Ecuador, Indonesia, Scotland and Zambia, and with a range of multilateral organizations, including the UN system of Resident Coordinators, UNDP, and UN Women.

If you would like to explore how PI can help your institution, please reach out.

“To transform an organization you need to engage the larger eco-system of that organization. That's our collective challenge of change, learning, and innovation.” 

Otto Scharmer, Interview

“Change on many levels

SDG Leadership Labs

UN SDG Leadership Labs

Answering the Urgent Call for Transformational Change.


Building Systems Leadership Capabilities

The Presencing Institute has been partnering with the United Nations Development Program to build and sustain architectures of learning and connection for the cultivation of transformation literacy and action confidence within the UN system and beyond.

The Scottish Government

Working differently with communities to lead change

A story about new forms of leadership and re-imagining education in a rapidly changing world.

Learn, Innovate, Transform.

We can help you as a leader, change-maker, team or organization to initiate and sustain transformational change.

Discover Theory U: a change and innovation framework and set of methodologies that have been used by thousands of organizations worldwide.
Find new solutions in an era of unprecedented disruption and potential for transformation.

Building on the work of the MIT Center for Organizational Learning, Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer and others, at the intersection of science, consciousness, and profound social and organizational change